
We encourage you to avoid hiring unlicensed workers, make sure you can verify a contractor's license before taking in consideration hiring them. There are many dangers of hiring unlicensed workers such as; Poor qualifications, Possible criminal background, Like hood of being the victim of a scam, No coverage under homeowner's policy, Noncompliance with building codes, these are just to count a few. Instead hired a Florida Licensed Contractor that will have the required qualifications to operate in the State of Florida, Trusted contractors will be licensed ,and have the proper liability insurance coverage to not only protect them but you as well. For more information on how to verify a license click on More.


We want our customers to know that we will continue to provide hvac services to their homes during COVID-19 spread, our company remains open for business. If your air conditioner is damaged and you don’t know which HVAC company can repair it at a fair price with qualified technicians, think no longer! Call us and experience our service today ! We are dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of our customers and slowing the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. Here are a few measures we are taking to prevent the spread of COVID-19. • Before entering a home, we ask customers if they’ve been exposed to COVID-19. • When visiting a home, we avoid handshakes and limit physical contact. • Carry facemasks and gloves. • Carry hand sanitizer and use regularly in the absence of soap and water. • Clean environments with disinfectants before and after completing work.


Our customer base is growing so rapidly that we are no longer able to provide quality service to all of our customers and, as a result, we have decided to let go Broward county, because we are a small business we can't keep up with South Florida's high demand and prefer to keep it more local, from now on we will only be servicing Palm Beach county and some surrounding areas. Existing customers with one year labor warranty will be service until expiration date. We sincerely hope you could understand our decision.